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How do I resend a voucher order confirmation email to the recipient so they can download their voucher?
How do I resend a voucher order confirmation email to the recipient so they can download their voucher?

Resend a voucher order confirmation email to the voucher recipient

Steve avatar
Written by Steve
Updated over a week ago

Login to your VoucherCart dashboard and follow the steps below:

1. Go to Orders > All Orders in your main navigation menu.

2. Find the voucher order from the list or by using the search function. You can search by buyer/recipient name, order ID (part or whole) or even voucher title to quickly locate the order

3. Click the Order ID to open the order

Searching for a voucher order inside the VoucherCart dashboard

4. Click the Vertical Dots to open the additional actions menu

5. Click Resend Voucher

Resending a voucher order confirmation email to the recipient in the voucher order details

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