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Refund/Cancel a voucher

Refund a voucher through the VoucherCart dashboard

Updated over 7 months ago

To refund a voucher please log in to your dashboard and follow these instructions:

1. Go to Orders > All Orders in your main navigation menu.

2. Find the voucher order you wish to refund using the search function. You can search by Recipient Name, Order Number (Part or whole), and even voucher title to quickly locate the order.

3. Click the Order ID to open the order.

4. Click the Vertical Dots to open the additional actions menu

5. Select Refund Voucher

6. Enter a reason for the refund

7. Select a refund option:

a. Select this option if your payment gateway supports automatic refunds from the VoucherCart dashboard.

b. Select this option, if you just want to mark the voucher as refunded but not return the funds to the voucher buyer.

Please note! To refund a voucher using a payment gateway that does not support automatic refunds, log in to your payment gateway account to issue the refund.

8. Choose if you want to send e-mail confirmation to the buyer that the voucher has been refunded and is no longer valid.

9. Click Refund to complete the refund.

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