Change a voucher liability value

Change the value of your vouchers when the total redeemable value differs from the price paid or needs to reflect a different value.

Steve avatar
Written by Steve
Updated over a week ago

When the actual voucher value is different from the sale price you may wish to report the actual value of the voucher sold for accounting liability purposes.

  • Example 1, your Afternoon Tea costs £22.99 but you want to sell this as a voucher at the reduced price of £15.99.

  • Example 2, you want to give an extra £50 value to a £100 monetary voucher.

There are two price settings in VoucherCart that allow you to determine the usable value and liability value in relation to vouchers sold. These are Liability and Price shown on voucher.

  • Liability: The value used in financial reports

  • Price shown on voucher: The actual voucher value that can be redeemed if it is different from the sale price

By default, both values are defined by the standard sale price of the voucher (before discounts or promotions).

Example 1: Your Afternoon Tea costs £22.99 but you want to sell this as a voucher at the reduced price of £15.99.

You may wish to show the value of £22.99 on reporting.

Then you need to change the Liability value from £15.99 to £22.99.

Usually, you do not show the price of the item to the recipient, so you may not need to change Price shown on voucher.

Example 2: You want to give an extra £50 value to a £100 monetary voucher.

You need to let the recipient know the voucher has a total value of £150.

Then you need to change the Price shown on voucher to £150, also the Liability value to £150 to keep the reporting value the same as the actual value of the voucher.

To change the Liability value and Price shown on voucher of a voucher, gift card, membership or ticket, navigate to the price section of your voucher setup.

Not sure where to go? See our article How to edit an existing voucher or navigate to Vouchers > Vouchers > Create New Voucher.

In the PRICE section of your voucher.

Add Liability

1. Click Change

2. Type a new liability value

3. Click Save

Liability has now been changed. However, please ensure you click Save and Exit to save your changes. If this option is not available because you are creating a new voucher, then continue through to the end of the voucher setup process.

To remove a custom liability value

1. Change the Voucher Liability value to match the Final Price Buyers Will Pay

2. Then click the 'X'

Any future changes to the price will automatically update the liability to the same amount.

Add Price shown on voucher

1. Switch to "Yes"

2. Enter the value

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