This all depends on what type of voucher the recipient has.
If the voucher holder has a one-time-use voucher, then no. Each voucher of this type has a unique ID number (Voucher ID) and can be redeemed only once.
VoucherCart also supports multi-use vouchers and you “the seller” specify this as the voucher type when you create it. If the voucher holder has a multi-use voucher then the VoucherCart system will tell you this when you enter the voucher holders voucher code. Multi-use vouchers can be used multiple times or on a reducing value basis.
When the recipient presents the voucher for use, simply scan the voucher with your VoucherCart phone app, or enter the number in the Redeem section in your dashboard. The system will confirm if the voucher is valid and will not permit multiple uses unless the voucher is a multi-use voucher.